Thank you for exploring our savings feature within your BigPay app.
There is three method you may utilize to increase your saving to your Stash.
Method 1: Manual Top-up
Step 1: You may top-up manually from your main balance by tapping the "+" in the screen under Explore>Stashes.
Step 2: Key in the amount you wished to transfer from your main account balance.
Step 3: Tadaa! The amount will be credited into your Stash accumulated balance and the following record shall appear in your home section:
Method 2: Via Round Up Payments
Step 1: Keep the button active as the following red box:
Step 2: Use your BigPay card for any online or physical transactions.
The system will auto-round up to the nearest RM for your physical or online BigPay card payment and keep the remaining in the Stash.
For an example: Kim has the round up payment feature activated and has used her BigPay card in Family Mart with transaction amount RM11.80.
Thanks to Round ups feature, the system will round up this card purchase to an even RM12.00, and automatically send remaining RM0.20 straight to Kim's Stash to increase her saving.
P.s.: Do you know that you can also set a booster under 'Round-up payment' feature that would assist you to save more by adding a little extra with every transaction
Method 3: Scheduled Deposit
Step 1: You may scheduled top-up from your main balance by activating the following feature
Step 2: Set the deposit amount you wished to system to transfer from your main wallet balance to the stash.
Step 3: Select the start date and the frequency of recurrence which either none, weekly or monthly
Step 4: Select the end date to stop the recurrence.
Here are also some gentle reminders from us:
1. This stashes feature is only for savings purposes, hence there will not be any interest added based on the accumulated amount.
2. Amount stored in Stashes cannot exceed total wallet balance limit.
If you need any assistance, kindly chat with us by tapping the circle on the top left of 'Home'> Get Help> Chat with us, and we are ready to assist you further.