Thank you for exploring our savings feature within your BigPay app.
You can create up to 10 stashes in your BigPay app at the moment by following the steps below:
Step 1: Open your BigPay mobile app
Step 2: Tap ‘Explore’ and select ‘Stashes’
Step 3: Use our Save to Travel feature or create a new Stash by giving it a name
Step 4: If you are creating a new stash, input the initial deposit as the starter of your Stash. You may input any amount with the minimum as RM5.
Do you know you can further set a saving goal to be achieved in a desired date to keep track on your saving progress?
If you need any assistance, kindly chat with us by tapping the circle on the top left of 'Home'> Get Help> Chat with us, and we are ready to assist you further.