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Wanted to skip the hassle of performing a top-up manually? You may enable the auto top-up feature and here's the A-Z to perform a setup:
Step 1: After performing a login, tap on the top left circle to access 'My Profile' and select 'top up options'.
Step 2: Under select other source section, kindly select Auto top up to begin the setup.
Step 3: Fill up the balance of your BigPay account (between RM20.00 - RM500.00) you expect the system to initiate the auto top-up and the amount of top-up (between RM50.00 - RM1000.00) each attempt.
Reminder: The top-up amount needs to be more than expected balance otherwise you will be seeing the following error message.
Step 4: Select the saved debit/credit card details you wished to link or key in a new card details.
Step 5: You should be seeing the following message once the setup has been completed.
A gentle reminder from us:
- We do not support top-up from other card issuers (example: American Express, JCB) yet.
- Auto top up will be disabled until you have re-authenticate it, when any of the following 3 has hit:
1. 90 days have passed since the last authentication
2. Auto top up has triggered 4 times. Before the 5th auto top up happens, one must re-authenticate.
3. The sum is reaching RM5,000.00.
If you need any assistance, kindly chat with us by tapping the circle on the top left of 'Home'> Get Help> Chat with us, and we are ready to assist you further.