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Account low in balance? You may use a cash top-up via 7-eleven outlets to perform the top-up and here's the A-Z to perform a top-up for your BigPay account:
Step 1: After performing a login, tap on the "+" button in the home screen.
Step 2: Key in the amount between RM20.00 - RM250.00 you wished to top-up and tap "Next" to proceed.
Step 3: Select the option " Cash at 7-Eleven" to proceed with the top-up process along with what are the fee deducted for the cash top-up performed.
Step 4: Complete the authorization with passcode or Face ID or Fingerprint.
Step 5: You will be brought to the payment portal and kindly share the payment details to the 7-eleven cashier.
Step 6: Once the process is completed, you shall see a notification that your cash top-up is being processed. Once it is credited, it shall also appear in your BigPay transaction history.
If you need any assistance, kindly chat with us by tapping the circle on the top left of 'Home'> Get Help> Chat with us, and we are ready to assist you further.